Wednesday, April 15, 2009

To be a Witch or to not be. That is the question.

Hello Everyone and happy Spring! This is my first blog so go easy on me! So, let me tell alittle about myself. I am 22 years old. I have been practicing witchcraft for 8 years. I have a daughter who I am raising pagen. so any tips lemme know. I own 3 animals. A pitbull named Gus. He is the biggest goof ball on the dog planet. Hence his name. I have a tyrant of a little kitty named Hazel. She torments Gus something awful. She is a spazz and a bully. She is my guard cat. Gus is the cuddler. Then there is Rosie, my lab rat. She is as sweet as condensed milk. She play video games with us. I think she is the smartest of all the animals. I have a man gorgeous Fiancee. He is the sexy tool guy on a calander. y'know what I'm talking about. I am in college and have a few ideas of what to be. I have a field full of goals and intend to fullfill every single one. Amistis (my best friend) and I have been brainstorming... dangerous? maybe... We have decided to help those out there who want to practice Paganism and/or witchcraft. Now I hope to use this blog as a written guide in adjacent to my YouTube vlogs. Captnraiz is my screen name! Amistis has her blog look on my friends. her You tube account is MOOSEPH2005. Check it out! Now we will be doing this in different ways, but we wanna start with a certain book. We will go over it together and do each of the exercises in stages.
Again this is for learning about the craft. Whatever reason you are here, we welcome you :)
Whether you are a young teen curious or have found your calling. Or if you are a parent curious about what it is. Or need a refresher course on our foundations or certain methods.
We are just happy to be of service.

What you need: A notebook. If you want a fancy one or just a spiral notebook will do fine.

* an open mind.
* the book To Ride a Silver Broomstick
by Silver Raven Wolf

: Now it is recommended you get this book. It is inexpensive on ebay. HOWEVER, if you can't get one for any reason. We will be thurough enough that you may get by with out one.
Anywho I hope you Enjoy!!!!


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