Monday, April 20, 2009

Lesson 1: What are your definitions?

Hello everyone! I am so sorry I seem to be behind on everything, I didn't realize how long it takes to upload videos on! Alright lets get down to it.

I asked you all to write YOUR definitions for the first lesson.
Definitions of #1. a Witch. #2. Witchcraft. #3. Society and the realationship toward witches.
I hope you have them! I am eager to hear every last one!
These are my definitions. Whether you agree or disagree is wonderful. I love to hear what you think. If our definitions are different that is fine, don;t worry I am not trying to instill my paticular beliefs on you. These are just points of views here and no matter what religion, everyone has those. so here you go!

The gifts of nature once were abundant. Everyone had talents to be productive. Even since the dawn of humanity, people had gifts of hunting, fishing, gathering, memory, imagination, fertility, agility, wisdom, leadership, faith, of believing. There were/are many gifts. People had to work hard, hand in hand, to become a productive tribe; A family. Many gifts are given in multiples. One that many had was imagination. It was what made them so adaptable. As humanity grew, one by one, the gifts were warped, changed somehow. Now we are so involved with the trivial we no longer see with our imagination. we don't have to. Using ones imagination is now a lost past time. Yet, many do not see the potential imagination has. Imagination is the ability to open oour minds and our souls. It allows us to see what our vision can't. Sure many believe that one must see to believe. I can tell you those are the ones who have lost thier ability to imagine. Imagination is the key to magick. It unlocks what society "believes" to be unreal. WHO EVER said imagination was the process to conjure FAKE things in your mind?? A Witch is those who use that tool and work with, tame, and venture through the expanses of the unknown.
We have discovered every land on this planet, we have only searched a portion of the ocean. Yet how far have we traveled and discovered the secrets of the human mind? A witch is one who uses those secrets.

WITCHCRAFT: The mind, soul, heart, and other strong attributes that make us are all used in tandem to make the earth song we call the craft. Now magick can be seen. In the birth of a child, in the seeds that grow, hell even in your compost heap, you see magick. The common magick that we use so often and utilize is now called science. Yes, we all study it. Yes, we all know it and how it all works. That is what we call common knowledge. and is it so far fetched to say that science is common known magic? 1150 years ago we would be magicians for knowing what our 3rd graders know. hmmmm
SO recap if you are not getting my hint.
....Magick that we all know or commonly use, etc. is SCIENCE.
Science undiscovered or not yet proved with thoeries is MAGICK. get my drift.
knowledge is power. You do not hand your keys to a 10 year old and say, "Have at it!!! You'll do fine!!" no, people have the capabilities, yet have not been taught. Nor do many want to.

Also there is the magick we were speaking of dealing with imagination and belief.
Many believe in faith. Some magick is cast by not tools, rituals, spells etc. But of emotions.
Powerful enough emotions can cause a reaction. It creates energy that can be channeled for power. This is called raw magick.
There are many ways to create energy to be channeled or used in the craft to be used for a number of reasons. This one however is a wildcard.
For those who need to feel or see magick, this is the best way to prove magick's exsistance.

The energy we use for the craft can be conjured in many ways to be used for any sort of reason. Some use it for good, some bad, and some foolishly. HOWEVER, know that there is always a consiquence for EVERY action you make. good, neutral, or bad, there is always an outcome. TAKE THAT ADVICE SERIOUSLY!
The craft can recede from someone if it is abused. sometimes if it is not used in long periods of time as well.

Societies views are changing rapidly. Like there are many rock in a river bed, one must know there will always be many opinions. Many religions have become more lax about hating us. Probally because we are not dissipating from snubs. heh
Most just ignore and move on. Some are very judging, but the number is declining. Besides those who judge are breaking one of their gods rules so it is not our concern.... it is he who he showed be worried. Many of the christian faith have offspring questioning more and more.
However I do not believe just can practice the craft. there are the followers of a religion, then there are the priests/priestess. Those who have dedicated to their craft and sacrificed time, blood, sweat, tears, family, etc. for it. I do not take the term priestess lightly. NOR do I feel that any tom, cindy, or bill can just waltz in and tamper with life energies of our universe. Do you a flamethrower to anyone who wants to use one? HELL NO. So why in the hell would you tamper with the universe? Think people please this is serious stuff and not sleep over games.

Finally my GOALS:
My immediate goals are to finish my classes to becomed certifide in the craft as a clergy;
To become prfessionally skilled in Herbology;
To find a steady practice and to complete my Alter room;
To fix my woods making it sutible for my covens gatherings;
To purify my home for the season;
To raise my daughter pagen;

More long term goals are:
To become a teacher of paganism;
To educate the non crafting masses in the truth of paganism;
To own an herbal shop;

Dream Goal;
I would like to make a private academic academy of paganism.
(hey, they got christian private schools)

My secret wish is for Nicholas to become pagan. To open his mind and believe.

WELL, that was alot i know thank you for your time in reading this. Now, lemme see yours:)
remeber to have patience in everything you do and to try to make a difference in this world a little each day

Blessed Be



  1. Beautifully written my dearest friend....xxoo

  2. Definitions of #1. a Witch. #2. Witchcraft. #3. Society and the relationship toward witches.

    Okay so to answer number one:
    My definition of a witch is simple. This is a term that was given to people by others who had no understanding of nature based religion or unusual techniques of living life. For example, herbology was probably considered witchcraft until people finally realized that herbs can do certain things for medical purposes. Also, just to say, I do not call myself a witch, because I am Pagan. To me, it seems like people associate witch with the negative, bad media coverage over the last 100 years and instead of trying to fight the words meaning, I just call myself Pagan.
    To answer #2:
    My definition of witchcraft is the same as above. Witchcraft by definition is the use of sorcery or magic or the communication with the devil or with a familiar. That is what the dictionary states. I believe that witchcraft is also a term that was thrown at the Pagans/Druids of the past when they were doing their rituals and their spell-casting. The Pagans didn't think they were practicing witchcraft, they were worshiping the Goddess and the God and the cycles of the moon and the earth. They had no idea about witchcraft until they were being called witches and being told they were practicing witchcraft. So to me, witchcraft is nothing but a name given out by those who did not understand rituals and spells and the Goddess and God.
    And to answer the final question:
    Society has become better with the relationship between Christians and non-Christians. For many years, if you were practicing something other than Christianity or if you were a Jew, then you were considered a witch. If you were Satanist or Pagan or Wiccan or anything not Christian then you were looked at as evil and wrong and going to hell for it. I think many people have realized that not only in America, but other places in the world, that whatever religion you are, as long as you are quiet about it, they don't care. But it seems whenever someone steps up, opens their voice to be heard about their religion, that is when the crap hits the fan. Christians then begin to battle because they feel like they are being threatened. Hollywood has not done the Pagan/Wiccan religion any favors. Their versions of witches range from Wizard of Oz to The Craft. Most people see The Craft and think that is what witchcraft is all about. But they don't learn anymore, they don't go read books or get online to find out more. They just take it as they see it. And when faced with it, then they call witchcraft and start hollering about going to hell. So there you have it, that is my answers!
